California Games (Game Cheat)

See the entire BMX track in one image or chopped up into smaller to digest sections here - California Games BMX Map

Rescale Screen
Press Option 2 while skating in the half pipe to rescale the screen.

Pelican Ride
In the surfing event, run your last surfer towards the bottom of the screen during the last few seconds of game play. Your surfer will land on the pelican that flies across the screen.

Clear BMX path
Position the bike about 1 pixel above where the grass meets the dirt to have a completely clear path, free of obstacles, all the way through.

Faster Footbag Spins
To spin faster than normal in the footbag event, jump, then hit the footbag with your head, then immediately do a spin.

Four Player Game
A four-player game is possible using ComLynx cables, however, it may take a number of attempts before a successful connection is made. Game play will also be slower than usual.

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