Patrons want to get custom ties. You'll have to cut them perfect-sized ones!
Growing Ties is a game requiring both an excellent eye and a good hand dexterity. The deluxe edition has new levels, new games modes, and polished the overall game experience compared to the original Growing Ties. It also includes 3 bonus games on the cartridge: Timeloop, Fishing for Atari, and Gift Catcher.
Created by:
Dr. Ludos
Press A to grow a tie.
Press B to cut it.
The tie will fall down, and hopefully reach a patron.
Be careful to cut right-sized ties!
You'll get 10 points for a perfectly fitting tie, but less points if it's too long or too short.
A perfect sized tie matches the height of the patron's shirt exactly.
As the levels go along, you'll discover more mechanics explained in the game: combo system, modifying tie colors, limited tie supply, limited time, etc.