This game is based on the free print & play tile game Cheese Chasers from Bran McMillin.
In order to fit the contest theme, the game is now about mining asteroids, while avoiding explosions and pirates.
The Basic mode is based on the original game, while the Easy mode has less tiles, and only need 1 inactivated mine to win.Plus mode has more tiles but also more options and new tiles (bigger asteroids, hi-probe with hypersace engine, smuggler).
The game has achievement features, which can unlock assets (backgounds, musics, artworks) or game feature (high score management, Plus mode, Undo, Map).
It takes advantage of EEprom management in order to save progress after each session.
How to play
- See in game tutorial in order to check playing rules, victory condition and scoring system
- The game shows you legal (green shape) and illegal moves (red shape)
- B Button displays pop-up menu with help/quit option + unlocked option (undo, map)
- Opt1 switch display of HUD on/off
- Original boardgame : Bran McMillin
- Code : Fadest, using BLL kit and tools from BS42, M. Domin, Sage and K. Kaksonnen
- Graphs : Fadest, inspired by Templeton's work for Space Shoot
- Placeholder musics : Rygar, TurboLaserLynx (Space Dance tracks) & Fadest
- Placeholder artworks : Space shoot & Space Dance artworks by Templeton