Remnant Planar Wars 3D (Game Group)

Remnant Planar Wars 3D

You are the last surving starship capable of defending your quadrant from a seemingly endless wave of invading aliens... can you stop them before they obliterate the human outposts?

Remnant is an exciting new game from Songbird Productions. It features a pseudo-3D environment and plenty of space-faring combat to keep you on your toes.

In this arcade extravaganza, you fight off endless waves of invaders. Try to survive multiple foes at once, meteor showers, and more!


  • Pseudo-3D space combat game with X,Y scrolling background
  • Cockpit with transparent windows and status bars
  • Heavy use of Lynx scaling on debris and enemies
  • Multiple simultaneous enemies
Curved Lip (Non Atari)
Standard Box
Curved Lip (Non Atari)
CD/Jewel Case
PCB (Black)
CD/Jewel Case

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