The Lynx FlashCard is a development tool. It can hold one game, demo or application. It is controlled by a Atmel AVR µCom. The communication with the PC is be done via an RS232 to USB converter. (FTDI) For the communication you need a PC with Linux/Windows or a Mac with a terminal program. The data is sent as binaries to the FlashCard.
Bootloader v1.00
Firmware 1.01
Language Set 1.01
PCB 1.271
- 512K Flash ROM for game/application
- 93C46 EEPROM running in 16-Bit mode for High scores etc. User can read/write/modify/erase single or all bytes. (New 2016: possible to order 93C66 or 93C86)
- Baudrates supported from 9600 to 115200 Baud
- Status and transfer LEDs
- Menu with 5 languages (english, german, french, spain and dutch)
- Mini-USB connector - Cable included
- Gold-plated contacts
- Bootloader for easy Firmware updates
- Cool red PCB :-)
- Only for the 20th/25th anniversary edition: 8KB EEPROM with a little demo. It is shown before the game/application starts. (possible to switch off).
ROM file formats supported: LNX, BIN/LYX and single *.o-files.
NOTE - The FlashCard is designed to be used with the Lynx II. If you want to use with the Lynx I, it is recommented to remove the cartridge door. It is possible to damage the FlashCard if it is inserted into a Lynx I with the door attached.