4TTUDE (Game Group)

4Ttude, a 3D 4x4x4 Tic-Tac-Toe Game.

3D Tic-Tac-Toe is similar in concept to traditional tic-tac-toe but is played in a cubical array of cells, usually 4x4x4. Players take turns placing their markers in blank cells in the array. The first player to achieve four of their own markers in a row wins. The winning row can be horizontal, vertical, or diagonal on a single board as in regular tic-tac-toe, or vertically in a column, or a diagonal line through four boards.

To master the game you'll have to learn develop a board situation where placing a mark on the board you create several (two or more) opportunities to make 4 in a row an the next move, so that the opponent can block only one of them. This situation has a name in japanese boarg games: ATARI.

Created by:
  Gisberto Rondinella, last minute GFX additions by Marss


DIRECTIONS KEYS: Navigate menus or move on the board
A KEY: select an option on the menus or place you move during the game
B KEY: access training tools during an unranked game
PAUSE: pause / unpause the game
OPT1: rotate board visualization options (only during a game)
OPT2: rotate musics (during game) and mute unmute it
PAUSE+OPT1: Back to game menu
PAUSE+OPT2: Rotate the screen
OPT1+OPT2: clears the internal EEPRON (only when the game is paused)


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