Game Database

Game Title Genre Type Cartridge Package Year
Lynx Invades Japan Demo Demo PCB (Green) VHS Case
Lynx Maze 22 Tech Demo Demo None Digital/ROM
Lynx Ops Shooter Homebrew None Digital/ROM
Lynx othello Puzzle Homebrew Curved Lip (Non Atari) Standard Box
Lynx othello Puzzle Homebrew 3D Printed Standard Box
Lynx othello Puzzle Homebrew PCB (Green) Clam Shell (Clear/Video61)
Lynx Quest Adventure Homebrew None Digital/ROM
Lynx Reloaded Demo Demoscene None Digital/ROM
Lynx Reloaded Multi-Cart Various Multicart PCB (Green) Capsule (Orange)
Lynx SD SD Cartridge SD Cartridge PCB (Black) None
Lynx SD Menu Loader 2 Utility Utility None Digital/ROM
Lynx Taxi Movie Demo Demo Demo None Digital/ROM
Lynx Tris Puzzle/Tetris Homebrew None Digital/ROM
Lynx Virus (April Fool's) Demo Homebrew None Digital/ROM
Lynxed by Desire Demo Demoscene None Digital/ROM
LynXmas 2020 Mixed Homebrew 3D Printed Standard Box
Lynxopoly Strategy Homebrew PCB (White) Ring Binder Case
Malibu Bikini Volleyball Sports Official (US/GB) Curved Lip Standard Box
Marble Madness Platform/Racing Homebrew None Digital/ROM
Marlboro Go! Racing Prototype PCB (Hand Etched) None
Marlboro Man Racing Homebrew PCB (Green) None
Mateos Atari Lynx Rewriteable Multigame Cart Utility Flash Cart PCB (Green) None
Mechtiles Action/Strategy Not Released Unknown Unknown
MegaPak Vol. 1 Miscellaneous Multicart Curved Lip (Non Atari) Standard Box
MegaPak Vol. 1 Miscellaneous Multicart PCB (Black) CD/Jewel Case

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